Den Pfad bereisen (Travelling the Path)
12th Chamgon Kenting Tai Situ Rinpoche
paperback with flying page, 228pages
4 photos, 14 calligraphies
ISBN 978-3-950-44291-5
Translation, photos, calligraphies,
drawings, graphics and layout
© Palpung Europe
From the cover
In Travelling the Path, Chamgon Kenting Tai Situ Rinpoche teaches how we can sow the seed of Buddha. A master of highest capacity himself, he clearly lays out the path step by step by starting out with The Four Seals forming the basis in order to receive refuge.
The author explains how we can gradually develop bodhicitta by first comprehending and implementing the Four Contemplations to hence apply the vows of a bodhisattva both in aspiration as well as active practice.
Chamgon Kenting Tai Situ Rinpoche discusses The Six Paramita as expression of the practice of a bodhisattva and the Seven Points to tame the mind instructing us how to develop our wild and boisterous mind into a smooth and tame one.
In this book Tibetan notions are not only transliterated but also printed in Tibetan proper which will make the book useful for students of Tibetan language, too.

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